Chicharrones or richón in Galician are the lean part of the pig that is cooked over a low heat in its own juice, making it very tasty and fat-free.
This is a very typical Galician recipe.
Chicharrones or richón in Galician are the lean part of the pig that is cooked over a low heat in its own juice, making it very tasty and fat-free.
This is a very typical Galician recipe.
Loison is committed to preserving and promoting traditional, artisanal food made from locally sourced and sustainable ingredients, with recipes that are both traditional and homemade. That is why they are part of the 'Slow Food Presidium', in which they opt for artisanal production of their products, paying attention to...
Loison is committed to preserving and promoting traditional, artisanal food made from locally sourced and sustainable ingredients, with recipes that are both traditional and homemade. That is why they are part of the 'Slow Food Presidium', in which they opt for artisanal production of their products, paying attention to...
Parcel of the oldest of our vineyards, 95% Tinta Fina, to which I add some white varieties such as Albillo and Verdejo, in a percentage of 5% from the same vineyard.
It is a 150-year-old vineyard located in Benegiles at about...
Parcel of the oldest of our vineyards, 95% Tinta Fina, to which I add some white varieties such as Albillo and Verdejo, in a percentage of 5% from the same vineyard.
It is a 150-year-old vineyard located in Benegiles at about...